Masque of the Red Death

My First project at University was to make a costume for Edgar Allen Poe's Masque of the Red Death I made a jacket for the character Prince Prosperoe. The jacket wasn't designed by me but i did design all the detail on it. The jacket was a combination of a 16th century Tudor jacket and a modern day bikers jacket.
The AUCB created an end of year show that year called The Ballroom of Illusion. The show combined several short plays including Masque of the Red Death in which my costume was worn.

                                             (The above are some images from the show.)
When i reached my third year i decided to have some professional  shots taken of my jacket for my portfolio. Below are some of my favourites. Special thanks to the model, photographer and make up artist involved.

Photographer-Freya Marie Easton Durling
Make up artist-Sophie Bolger
Stylist-Natalie-Joy Richards
Costume Maker-Natalie-Joy Richards

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